I agree about only keeping selected things I have the ones I want My kids already have certain ones The key is deciding which

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This one too resonates so much! But I suffer from PMBS (Procrastinator Mental Block Syndrome!!), and so far, I mainly try not to think about it! NOT a good strategy at all. Many of the "mementos" I must deal with are my dad's jade and stone carvings that he made. Heavy, "impractical", beautiful, but ----- more PMBS! Thanks for articulating some of this, Cathy.

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I certainly agree... it is a dilemma that I've been considering as well. .. And you didn't even mention pictures..

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Adwoa, thanks. I didn't include photos, documents, or digital records, because I realized the post would get too long and I needed to focus more narrowly. I may do another post later that looks at those items. They're kind of a category in themselves, because of their personal nature. It's hard to donate things that are so specific to one family, except in some cases to historical archives. But some can be digitized.

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