I love the idea of Buy Nothing, Cathy. Will see if this might catch on where I live.

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Patti, when I type "Buy Nothing" + your suburb into the Facebook search field, it turns up three Buy Nothing groups for that area. Not sure which would be closest to you

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Hi Cathy, I enjoyed your post about Buy Nothing and the Little Library. We have several Little Libraries around the town where I live, and they're always full. I've used the local Buy Nothing countless times to transfer everything from a collection of random glasses (hot item!) to a snowblower. It's wonderful to know these things are benefiting someone else nearby. I've also put things on the sidewalk in front of my house with a "Free" sign, for people who are out walking their dogs or jogging. It feels alienating to drive up to a charity dumpster and drop my things off there. One time I drove half an hour to get to a Salvation Army drop-off, and was confronted with about a dozen dumpsters; it just didn't feel right. And I never went back. Lately, I've been giving clothing and household goods to Big Brother Big Sister. They have online appointments and bring a big truck to pick things up. At least there's a human receiving them! Downsizing is hard work!

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I am the real enthusiast in the house for the Little Free Libraries. Last year, from July through September, I kept track of the ones I picked up, some to read and some only to note before returning to another Little Free Library later. I have an affiliate account with bookshop(dot)org for AfricaFocus Bulletin, and during that time I found 56 that are still in print and for sale there, of which I read 13 during that period, mostly mystery novels. You can see them in this list at https://bookshop.org/lists/books-found-serendipitously-in-little-free-libraries-in-mount-pleasant-washington-dc-july-september-2021/ No, the photos are not the ones I picked up, but new copies available for purchase from this startup rival to Amazon that sends its "profits" to independent. bookstores around the USA. But in fact almost a third of the ones I pick up in general are actually new or used but look new. P.S. I get 10% of the list price as an affilitate. Not a huge money earner (several hundred dollars over roughly a year and a half). But I get the pleasure of sharing recommendations for books to friends!

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